Fighting Bad Writing Habits: A Belated Quiet, Sleepy, NSFW Rant-Ballad on Writing Resolutions

We writers are a finicky bunch, are we not? It’s not because we’re all gifted with the artistic license to be quirky, riddlesome conundrum people the second we decare ourselves writers; we’re not all out there penning the next new great American novel (or, in reality, the latest trash-trend listicle). No, we are finicky because we often, as a group, have a bad habit of adopting some rather typical (and contradictory) artistic characteristis, […]

To NaNoWriMo or Not to NaNoWriMo

Officially, I’ve been NaNoWriMo-ing for the past six years. For those of you who don’t know, or manage to survive the modern writing life without getting inundated with emails and social invites to its events, NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, is an annual event in many a writerly circle. Free to participate in, NaNoWriMo is more of a movement about empowering artists to work on their craft and support each […]

Why I Still Do Morning Pages: Thoughts on Writing & Commitment

I first picked up a copy of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way in the summer of 2009 when I was fresh out of college with a shiny new degree, a ton of ambition and absolutely no idea where to channel all that writerly energy. I bought the copy, well used and already written in, at the now defunct Inner Chapters Bookstore on Fairview Ave in Seattle’s South Lake Union (before it […]